CD #1 Jesus hears your cry ~ Instrumental and vocals
CD #1 Jesus hears your cry ~ Instrumental and vocals
When I was hurting, the first thing I needed was a sympathetic person who heard my pain and sympathized with my tears.
I also needed to know that Jesus saw my broken heart and cared for me.
I found myself turning to Isaiah 61 over and over. The Psalms drenched me as I cried out to God. Joseph’s story of betrayal suddenly meant so much as I wrestled with my own betrayal by those who should have been loving and protecting me.
If you are hurting, I hope these songs will touch the little parts of yourself that cry out and bring them healing, hope, and freedom.
This is only the first CD. Please go to the others after this one to allow God to continue to heal your heart.
If you start to feel overwhelmed or very sad, please stop listening and then only listen to these songs with a friend, prayer minister, or therapist. I want to make sure you are always safe!
Jesus hears your cry
1. Little sad girl
2. Dreams
3. Betrayed
4. Did this really happen to me?
5. Afraid to cry
6. A time to cry
7. Jesus hears your cry
8. Beautiful child
9. Wrap me in Your love, Lord
10. Who has time to understand me?
11. Sacrifice
12. Calling the broken
13. God of all comfort
14. His healing love
15. Piano medley
Thank you to all of you who contributed to this endeavor! A special thank you to all for your outstanding help on critiquing my lyrics with the sacrifices of your time: Ethel Herr and your wonderful writer’s critique group—Berit Kjos, Sherry Cox, Barbara Larsen, and Patsy Oda—as well as Mike Winn M.A., Donny Valliere M.S. MFCC, Brian Person M.Div. LMFT, and David Eckman Ph.D. Each one of you made invaluable suggestions to make this collection more clear, helpful, and redemptive. You’re awesome! Thank you also to my sons: Daniel, for your business advice, and David, for your gorgeous painting of “God’s Hand” that graces the cover and for starting me on home recording and YouTube. Hugs to you all!
I dedicate this first CD to my mother. She encouraged me to practice the piano and later my cello. When I took up guitar in junior high and then wrote my first song at 16, she asked me to make tapes for her. She listened to them by the hour. Mom struggled through depression much of her life but found joy in gardening and graciously giving to others. I hope she can hear my music now from heaven. Thank you, Mom, for the wonderful gifts you gave to me! May they be imparted as a fragrance of the Father’s love to “restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” Malachi 4:6 (NASV)
Please read before listening: If you have been seriously abused, please listen to this CD first with a prayer minister, therapist, or pastor, if possible. It has surfaced emotional pain and memories in some listeners. If you are not in counseling and listen to this and find yourself recalling abuse or having strong emotions, please get help. I want you to be safe! ~ Wanda
Lyrics & melodies Wanda Viola, Vocals Wanda Viola
Piano & arrangements Joe Howard.
Cello Marilyn George
Guitar Wanda Viola
Editing & mixing David Sandwisch
Produced by Wanda Viola
Cover Painting God’s Hand by David Johann
Graphic Design Mary Ellen Deutscher
All lyrics and melodies written by Wanda Viola. © 2008 His Healing Love Ministries. All rights reserved.